Sunday, May 31, 2015

Cleaning Up My Make Up Yard!


So after I found out about the website on my post earlier, I think it would be wise to clean up my dressing table. Well, if I be honest, there's too many items I keep in my drawer although I rarely use them. Some of them I can't recall when was the last time I used it! So yeah, I should get rid of them. It was a bit hard since no matter how rare I put them on my face, they were once my babies (halah lebay). And here they are :

Saturday, May 30, 2015

How Long Your Beauty Stash is Safe?


So recently I bought a Japanese cosmetics product (not a drugstore product btw). When I turn around the packaging I was panic because I can't find either the manufacturing date nor the expiry date. It was purchased online and I was so afraid I might not being sent a decent product I deserved.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

[Review] Biore Makeup Remover for Eye & Lip


So today's post is about a makeup remover I'm currently fond of. I stated my love of Biore cleansing on the previous post here. Afterwards I finally bought this products I've been notice for some time because it comes in cutie pinky color  I need an eye makeup remover. I believe this product has been in Indonesia market for quite a long time.

Friday, May 15, 2015

May Haul

Hello girls,

Akhirnya nemu waktu luang juga di hari yang kejepit ini :3

Nah di posting kali ini aku mau share produk-produk yang aku beli. Sebenernya aku bingung sih postingan macam ini tujuannya buat apa. Apakah setelah posting haul abis itu kudu posting review nya juga apa gimana. Ya sudahlah mending kita langsung mulai aja ya.

Di bulan Mei ini agak kalap (baca: kalap banget ._____.) belanjanya. Ada beberapa items yang aku lupa harganya berapa, jadi ga ditulis yaa :p